Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano

Portrait of a man (79)

Headless statue of Fortuna (85)

Sarcophagus with a cobbler and a spinner (184)

Portrait of a man (209)

Portrait of a man (261)

Altar of Mars and Venus (324)

Urn of Egrilia Felicitas, with a scene from the Trojan war (325)

Portrait of Gordianus III (326)

Portrait of a man (327)

Portrait of Alexander Severus (329)

Portrait of Vespasianus (330)

Portrait of a woman (332)

Portrait of a man (334)

Portrait of a man (336)

Portrait of Plotina (339)

Portrait of Antinous (341)

Portrait of Septimius Severus (345)

Portrait of a man (350)

Portrait of a man (353)

Portrait of a man (357)

Fragment of a sarcophagus with the Rape of Proserpina (654)

Portrait of a girl (4201)

Portrait of a man (4202)

Portrait of a child (4215)

Portrait of a man (4217)

Funerary altar of Quintus Sittius Quintillus (27207)

Bronze head of a dog, applique of furniture (47973)

Relief of a nymph and a satyr (56034)

Fragment of a sarcophagus with two men and horses (56936)

Portrait of Lucius Aelius Caesar (56949)

Portrait of Agrippina the Younger (56964)

Fragment of a sarcophagus with a Centaur and Nereid (56966)

Fragment of the sarcophagus of Quintus Veturius Firmius Felix Socrates (74091)

Statue of a girl as Artemis (108518)

Statuary group of Mars and Venus (108522)

Portrait of a man (108607)

Sarcophagus with Achilles on Skyros (115173)

Funerary slab with a couple (115174)

Sarcophagus of Masculinius Titianus (115175)

Portrait of a woman (121535)

Sarcophagus with erotes and masks (124706)

Sarcophagus with the seasons (128086)

Painting of a mythological scene, perhaps Scylla and Minos (inv. unknown)

Relief of a maenad (inv. unknown)