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Topographical dictionary of Portus - text menu

The buildings surrounding the basin of Claudius

The links can also be accessed through a clickable
plan of the harbour of Claudius (after Giulia Boetto).

1 Lighthouse of Claudius
2 North mole
3 Monte Arena
4 Building to the east of the north mole
5 Baths on Monte Giulio
6 Cistern on Monte Giulio
7 Museum of the ships
8 South mole
9 Basin of Claudius
10 Secondary entrance
11 Northern channel
12 Trajanic channel
The buildings surrounding the basin of Trajan

The links can also be accessed through a clickable
plan of the harbour of Trajan (by Italo Gismondi).

1 Communication channel
2 Entrance channel
3 Channel
4 Darsena
5 City wall
6 Baths of the Traveller
7 North-south mole
7A Mole of the Small Lighthouse
8 Small Lighthouse
9 Baths of the Small Lighthouse
10 Great Horrea of Septimius Severus
11 Porticus
12-13 Terrace of Trajan
14 Shipsheds (navalia) and horrea
15 Horrea-baths
16 Porta Marina
17 City wall
18 Severan horrea
19 City wall
20 City gate
21 Temple of Portumnus
22-23 City wall and channel
24 Internal city wall and gate
25-27 Imperial Palace
27A Amphitheatre
28 Imperial Palace
29 Shipsheds (navalia) and horrea
30-31 Horrea
32 Horrea
32A Temple of Liber Pater, Forum Vinarium
and Torlonia relief

33 Villa Torlonia
34 Horrea
35-36 Horrea
36A Tombs
37-38 Horrea
39 Building
40 Barracks of the fire brigade
41 Episcopium
42 Marble yard
43 Temple
44 Christian basilica
45 Horrea
46 Building
47 Market
48 Market
49 Horrea
50 Horrea
50A Vegetable market
51 Horrea
52 Porticus of Claudius
53 Great Horrea of Trajan
54 Great Horrea of Trajan
55 Porticus Placidiana
56 Hexagonal basin of Trajan
57 Channel of Trajan (Fossa Traiana)
58 Via Portuensis and aqueducts